Sunday 2 November 2014


There will be no commercial sales on any of the RP Hub areas.

Free gift
a free gift is anything that is offered for free that is not a game piece

Promotional aspects of creators name in objects
There is no way to "sanitize" the RP Hub so that no creator names are known and such. We are asking people to devote their time and efforts to this project, so of course there are going to be some items made by them in their builds.
As for scenery and enhancement of the parcels there will be objects from various creators from the grid. As time goes by some of these items will be replaced by other. There is a lot of diversity so none of the creators will get overexposure.

Building and Builds

Parcel size
Each genre area has been alloted  a quarter of a sim.

Each genre area has been alloted  10,000 prims for their builds

Any skybox that is simply a box or a sphere or unsightly and not in keeping with that builds style or theme is not allowed to be seen from the ground. It should be up appr. 1000 meters.

Any skybox or skybuild that is aesthetically pleasing and fits the style/theme of the ground build/design is fine to be seen from the ground but should not block another parcels view.

All builds must have copy perms so that IW crew can do rollbacks/restores if needed.

Interactive elements & game pieces

RP Systems (huds) guidelines

1) The system has to already be used by more than one rp sim and group *).
 2) The system must be available to any rp sim that wants to use it.
 3) Usage of the system on the RP Hub must be used in an interactive element **)
 4) The interactive element that uses the system must be more than simply stating "here is a system we use" with a note. ie: the user would use it in a practice simulation such as wearing it and having to fight a training dummy or fight a bot.
 5) the system usage should be contained to the broad genre/subgenre area to which it pertains. ie: a system used by the pirates should not be used in the urban genre areas.
6) The system should be free for all users.

*) In case a lone sim prove their hud essential to their RP, it will be decided by the RP Hub Committee is such a system is allowed in the RP Hub.
**) Those RP activities should not be solely recruitment acts: In other words a hud system used to transfer scores, points to the general system in use in the greater grid are not allowed.

RP Game pieces

 Definition in terms of RP HUB
 - A game piece is an object essential to- and part of the interactive elements in the RP hub and necessary in completing an interactive element.
The usage of a game piece will leave a copy in NR's inventory. The game piece itself should never be in Iz.valuta or an item that is transferable.

RP HUB Committee- maintenance

A Main Committee consisting of two representatives from each Genre will run the HUB with two alternates from each sub genre with voting rights on changes, etc. Their duties would include but are not limited to; role play classes on the hub, sim restarts, new applications from RP destinations, adding/removing destinations, genres and sub genres, modify landscape and locations of each genre, deciding if sub committees are needed, monitoring and vetting Librarians that volunteer and assist new residents on the HUB, promoting the HUB and communicating to the IW community about the HUB and what it has to offer, etc.

Main committee will be voted in by their genres and sub genres and at that time decide how long their term will be, how to remove leads and all other factors related to leading the HUB.

Main Committee will be responsible for vetting and acquiring live Librarians to assist in helping new residents coming into the HUB. Requirements to become a Librarian should include knowledge of role play or willing to learn about role play. Librarians should not try and promote their own role play destinations but instead help the new resident find what will suit them best.

Main Committee will also be responsible for defining genre’s and their sub genre’s and could be the following but not limited to; Sci Fi, urban, Fantasy, etc

Current Main Committee

RP Genres


The RP HUB currently has 5 broad genres: Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Urban, Dark fantasy and Literary fantasy.
Sub genre RP groups can apply in wich main genre they fit best.
All Roleplay sims are welcome to submit a request to include a teleport to their sims.
The requirement is that they have active roleplay sims with some form of interactive elements.

There will be no need for separate adult genre; as any adult activity will fall within the genre/sub genre category.    Each sub genre will be required to place signage stating if their destination location is G-general, M-Moderate, A-Adult and must be equal to their parcel/sim settings.  In addition, each destination will be required to include a note card explaining their story line and any activities that might be found on at their location.

Sub genres

To participate on the HUB, destinations must meet the following criteria:  Story line role play interactive with live person(s) or activities if the person(s) are not currently role playing.

Currently the following subgenres are included

Fantasy: Gypsy, Dragons, Medi-Fantasy, Pirates, Merfolk, Faery
Dark fantasy: Witches, Vampire, Lycan, Drow, Demon, Voodoo
Literary Fantasy: Gorean, Mystical, Mythical, Erotical

Concept notecard

Please change the name of this notecard to include your RP group's name.  Thank you for taking the time to fill this out.  Return to  < name > IW RP Hub Collaborative Team.

Sim Name (include main and all homesteads):

Roleplay/Sim Rating (General/Moderate/Adult):

Roleplay Land Name (please enter 'Same as Above' if it is:

Embedded LM:

Sim Owner/Contact Person:

Rules Notecard (This will be included in your Info Board at the RP HUB:

Type of Combat Allowed (Metered/Dice/Text Based).  If metered, please tell us which meter you use:

Description of your Roleplay:

Background or History of your Roleplay:

Timeline grand opening & build phase leaders

Timeline until grand opening

The following timeschedule was presented:
By the end of october 2014 all building should be finished
By the end of november all interactives should be finished
First two weeks of december 2014 system and users tests.
Grand opening of the RP Hub on the 14 th of decmber 2014.
RP HUB build phase leaders

Bim Rasmuson and Rathmeous Dagger - Fantasy
Xentor Antarix and Lunastra Silverweb - SciFi
Fire Nice and Sophia larkspur - Literary fantasy
Chopper Gurbux and Misty Harley - Urban
Lanorra Sion and Beck Howard- Dark fantasy
Cassie Eldemar -  Library build
Oldesoul Eldemar - Grand opening event
Balpien Hammerer, Boudica Destiny, Boaz Sands and Astoria Luminos - interactive elements library
Wolf Hartnell - Overall script management
Astoria Luminos and Boaz Sands - Estate Managers/ overall assistance/ guardians of initial guidelines
Moontan Valeeva - leader of the overall project

Meeting place 

Mood board

RP HUB Layout

The RP HUB is established on four sims. The formation of the sims is a T shape.
The space is designed for expansion in case other (broad) genres join the HUB.

Inworldz RP HUB Central 
The Library is the landing point of the RP Hub. The building is a wonderfull reconstruction of the Bodleian Library (the main research library of the university of Oxford). The Libary is build by little big designer Cassie Eldemar. NR's are greeted by a librarian. A simple gameplay will help the new resident to determine which main genres parcel he or she would like to visit. Portals on each side of the library will lead (tp) new residents to this parcel.
The libraries parcel will also contain a guided tour by airballoon or a boat rezzer to freely roam the area.

Inworldz RP HUB South 
Parcels: Fantasy & Literary fantasy

Inworldz RP Hub East
Parcels: Sci-Fi

Inworldz RP Hub West
Parcels: Dark fantasy & Urban

RP HUB Origins

The idea of the RP Hub was one touted by the Founders during the Community Meeting in mid june 2014, after it emerged during a closer look at registrations, and the motivation behind newcomers approaching InWorldz, that much interest pointed directly towards role playing in all it's diversity.

The founders of InWorldz offered the regions and resources of InWorldz for the project, but emphasized the need for experienced role players, builders, scripters and organizational talents to form a team to develop the idea and to present it to the founders for approval.

Boaz Sands initially managed the development of ideas and their implementation. The first brainstorming sessions were held of from june with paticipation from members from divers RP- communitees as Medieval - fantasy, SciFi, Gorean, Pirate, Urban, gypsy and so on..
Several groups were formated to cover all aspects of the project:
- Inworldz RP HUB collaborative project (overall team)
- Inworldz RP HUB Concept/ layout team
- Inworldz RP Hub Maintenance team
- Inworldz RP Hub Builders team
Finally a proposal was presented to the founders..
With a few alterations in september 2014  the proposal was accepted, the founders insisted some kind of interactive gameplay and a storyline to be included.

Q&A from the founders (june 20th 2014) by Boaz Sands
I have received a response from the founders (Ele and Tranq) on the questions that were raised at the preliminary meetings.

I have listed each question followed by its answer as copied from their response.
If there are any other questions please let me know as I will be compiling the next round (if any) of questions to send them.

I think this will help the committees make some decisions so glad we were able to get them answered before the next round of our meetings.


1.  Would the participating RP sim owners be required to have a return tp back to the RP hub?

Answer: No, not required.

2.  Will the current IW mentors man the RP HUB?

Answer: No.

3.  Where on the map will the RP Hub be located?  Will it for instance be right next to IDI?

Answer:  There is no room near IDI currently so I'll be looking around the virtual beginnings sim area.

4. How many sims will the founders provide for the RP Hub?

Answer:  4 sims

5. How will access to build/move/mod be provided (ie will it be by a group role?, by parceling land and having the genre or RP group rent the parcel?)

Answer:  Through group and parceling and deeding.

6. Would the founders consider extending the deadline?
    The concern is that collaboration and trying to gain consensus takes a bit longer.  The team would like to continue the process we have started and gain consensus to be able to submit 1-3 good ideas to the founders.   If it cannot be extended we will do all we can to further speed up the process but would be nice if we could have say another week or two say.. July 11th maybe?

Answer:  Extension is fine, I would put it at July 15.

7. There is a concern by many that having bots and scripts will cause too much lag. This is why some support a simple landing with a board listing all rp sims categorized by genre.  Can the founders address this issue?  Is there a suggested limit on bots or scripts?

Answer: Scripts and bots should be handled through self policing. If there is lag, the tools are already present to determine the source and remove it. ISP issues are beyond our control. In other words, we don't want a big advertising area.

8. Would having only one sim become too laggy?  Would there be potential to have multiple copies of the hub for overflow if the RP Hub got full or too laggy? ie a RP Hub 1,2,3 that would be identical copies. If RP Hub is busy or too laggy user could go to the next available RP Hub?

Answer:  Currently 4 sims should be enough. If we see a need to expand later, we can have a conversation on the best direction at that time.

9. Will there be guidelines provided by the founders or IW mentors to help prevent "poaching" situations where a rp group hangs out at the RP Hub trying to direct the user to their RP sim?

Answer:  Poaching or advertising should be a committee issue not handled by Founders. Head of each RP group on the committee to analyze and determine validity of poaching or advertising claims and then determine best course if action to person or group.

10.  Could we get a definitive definition of what RP is and what the requirements for a sim to be included in the RP Hub would be?

Answer:  The only requirement from the Founders pertains to retention. As such, with this project we are to require that any group wishing inclusion will need to do 1 of 2 things: a) have enough people to rotate being on call to handle any new person coming to their groups sim for RP, or b) have enough activities available for a new person to complete or participate in when no one is available.

Anything else for requirements, we will leave to the group to determine outside if that one.

11. Who would handle approving a sim for inclusion in the RP Hub tps?

Answer:  This is best handled by a committee vote, we would suggest 5 people to be on that committee to handle new region submissions.

12. Are there any items the founders want expressly prohibited in the hub ?  ie: commercial sale items
freebie items (clothing, weapons, etc.) that might be perceived as favoring one genre over another one, etc.

Answer: Any items to be made available to the new people should be determined by the groups. So is someone approaches the group to sell banana lasers and it has no fit to any if the groups participating, the group can say it's not allowed.

13. Will an RP mall be allowed to be on the RP Hub or any RP merchants?

Answer:  Absolutely positively no mall. How would that fit into a medieval or other themed area designed to engage the person to RP? Small merchants that fit the design if the regions are fine, but must adhere to the overall theme.

14.  Will the registration be determining the level of the user ie new to virtual worlds, experienced in virtual worlds, new to rp , experienced in RP etc.?  or is this something that needs to be included in the HUB design to accommodate?

Answer: that will not be part of registration. Besides, someone can say they are a hard core RP'er and in fact know very little... Best to keep that as hands on as possible.
Other General Comments by the founders (Ele and Tranq)

As you can probably determine, we do not wish to micromanage this project. Our end goals are very simple:

1. Market to people outside the classic VW realm.

2. Give those users something to strive for (think more MMO in this concept).

3. Achieve better user retention.

The groups are going to need to think outside the box on this, and really sit down together and view it as one concept... They are producing their own games within the platform to grow their groups together.

RP HUB Purpose & RP definition

The purpose of the Inworldz RP Hub is to provide a central spot for users who are interested in roleplaying to enter the InWorldz grid and have an engaging interactive experience while learning about the types of roleplay available. It will also allow the user to find the different RP sims on the grid easily in one place. Increased user retention and higher visibility for the RP sims are some of the objectives.

RP Definition
THE simple definition of RP (Role Play):  It’s like doing improve theater, except instead of being assigned a role, you make your own. RP is about interaction with other players.

THE long definition:
    Role Play in VR (Virtual Reality) is creating/assuming an avatar who fills a specific role in a themed sim. There is no limit to what type of avatar it may be; limits depend solely on what shapes/skins/ and themes are available in the grid you choose.
     What kind of role depends on where you want to play, since RP sims have different themes- you can be a student at Hogwarts, a crew member in Star Trek, or a medieval merchant.
    The point of RP is player interaction, playing the ROLE of the assumed character, responding as the character to what situation is happening at the time. The character you assume may not even be human, but you, the player, must decide on the character’s skills and education, personality, habits, quirks, attitude- all the things that make that character ‘real’, and then emote your responses as that character.
    For definition purposes, emotes are typed in (usually) statements showing actions and responses to the place and events of that moment. IC is “In Character”, and when in an RP, all input into local chat is IC. OOC means ‘Out Of Character’. We all know that Real Life (RL) can interrupt at any moment, so an OOC comment can be inserted as ((sorry- phone)), or whatever is the accepted form of notification for your sim.
    RP, as it occurs, may often have its own story in progress. It may be as simple as a gathering at the local watering hole, to a ceremony or ritual, to full-on virtual combat.

More literature on RP can be found here: ((RP)) Made Simple